Monday, November 4, 2013

Where did the year go?

It is hard to believe it's already four days into November, even though I keep a pretty thorough calendar that I look at every day.  There is just way too much to do before the end of the year and Christmas celebrations, and shortly after The Boy's birthday.  I'm normally not a procrastinator, but the sheer quantity of things left to do has left me paralyzed.

In other news, I spent a goodly amount of time in my attic over the weekend adding insulation, in the hopes of possibly lowering my heating bill this winter.  Crawl space attics are DEFINITELY not for people over 3 feet tall.

Today's Run

I was originally going to try a new route for today's run, but as I was leaving work I realized two things: 1) trying a new route in the rain could be a bad idea, and 2) now that it's no longer Daylight Savings Time it gets dark EARLY.  So I ran the normal neighborhood route, up the Big Hill.  Today I ran approximately 3.5 miles in 31:30, for an average pace of 8:49.  Not too shabby.

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