Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ooh! Shiny!

After hours and hours of research, I have decided on the GPS running watch that I wish to purchase.

I went into this whole thing with an open mind, without a prejudice for brand or model.  The more I read, and the more I talked to people, the consensus was that Garmin makes the best GPS running watches out there.  They are more likely to connect and hold onto satellites, and provides the kind of data I'm looking for.

As for the specific model of Garmin I have decided to purchase, I wanted something that wasn't too basic, but that didn't have so many bells and whistles that it would piss me off and I'd stop using it.  And so, I would like to present my new shiny toy that I hope to get before the end of November:


This is the Garmin Forerunner 110.  It will show your distance, time, average pace for the last mile, average pace overall, and heartrate if you wear the heartrate monitor (which I probably won't).  I like that it doesn't appear to be so huge that it will be like wearing a 5 pound weight on my wrist, and that it is controlled by easily pressed buttons, which will be useful when wearing gloves in the winter.  I haven't been able to find any information on how it will hold up in the cold, but I'm hoping that it will since I will be out when it's up to -10F windchill (or even colder depending on other factors).

Today's Run

Today was rainy and drizzly, and I ran the same route as Monday as I couldn't be bothered to do anything else.  I'm still chilled, and it's been hours and it really wasn't that cold.  Today I ran up the Big Hill, approximately 3.5 miles, in 31:45, for an average pace of 8:52.  Better than Monday, but I know I can move it much faster up that stupid Big Hill...

Monday, October 28, 2013

*Insert witty title here*

The past few days have been a blur of activity, and my brain isn't up to the challenge of being witty.  I went to the Y on Sunday and did my first ActiveTrax workout; I'm normally a take-charge kind of person, but being told exactly what exercises to do and how much was kinda nice.  I'm going to do the second workout tomorrow. I'm hoping to see some strength improvement in a couple of weeks.

And since I haven't posted a picture recently, I hope you enjoy this little thing I found on the Internets:
Hahahahahahaha!  Oh wait, after next summer I'll be one of those people...

Next post I'll write about the GPS running watch that I've decided to buy.  Yay!

Today's Run

Today I ran the neighborhood run, up the Big Hill.  And, like last time, I ran the 3.5 miles in 31:55, for an average pace of 8:56.  I think for my next run I'm going to change things up a bit, try a different route outside my neighborhood.  I'm not disappointed, I just think I need change in my shorter runs.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

It wouldn't be called a "challenge" if it weren't difficult

On Thursday, my friend Roja and I decided to try out this group exercise class at the Y called "Core Challenge." I'm usually not a big group exercise kind of person, at least not historically, but this one sounded interesting.  And since I am trying to Do Something, going outside of my comfort zone and attending this class sounded like a good opportunity.  It didn't hurt that I had a partner in crime...

Holy cow, for a class that is listed as for Everyone/Advanced it was HARD!  I did not think I was that out of shape but there were times that I thought my muscles would give out and I'd collapse on the mat, looking like a fool and whimpering in pain.  But I made it through, and am only suffering a little bit today... I think before I try the class again I'm going to have to hit the weight machines in the wellness center a few times.  But when I wasn't dying from exertion it was pretty fun and, yes, challenging.

Today's Run

I decided to go for a run today, take it pretty easy, just to get my muscles moving and not so stiff.  For the most part it worked, except my right hamstring would not loosen up, which caused my right quad to start yelling at me.  By the end I was OK, so I'm just going to have to take it easy this afternoon.  Today I ran about 6.1 miles on the Lakewalk from the Y in about 56:45, for an average pace of 9:14.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'b fibe, thanks for asking

After over a month of keeping the plague at bay, I got sick with a nasty head cold this week, courtesy of The Boy.  If they weren't so damn cute...

Anyway, even though I've spent the last 36 hours or so blowing my nose pretty much constantly I've managed to still do the things I wanted to this week.  I finished up my orientation thingie at the Y on Tuesday night, and I'm pretty excited about their computerized make-a-workout program.  You click a few buttons, and a computer tells you what strengthening exercises you should do.  I've decided to start out with an endurance program, alternating the focus between the upper and lower body.  And I got my run in this afternoon before dinner, which was all I had planned for today.  Thank goodness for Cold-Eeze, vitamin C, and tons of water for being able to kick this thing in the butt.  So far at least...

Today's Run

Today I did the neighborhood run, down the Big Hill, in what I felt was a pretty easy pace, considering I'm possibly dying.  I ran about 3.6 miles in 32:10, or an average pace of 8:54.  Which is a faster average pace than Monday, but on Monday I ran UP the Big Hill, so that does make a difference.  And there is nothing worse than breathing in cold air through a nose that has been rubbed raw by constant kleenex use.  Or nothing worse right now.

Monday, October 21, 2013

I'm not ready yet.

Busy weekend again, but with less driving.  The Boo at the Zoo was a success, with The Boy coming away with a good haul.  And the costume was a hit too.  So win-win all around.

Yesterday I went to the Y to do my initial orientation with the Wellness Center.  It was pretty awesome.  I remembered a lot of how to do the individual strength exercises, and the person helping me is also a runner, so she gave me some good pointers on which areas to focus on, etc.  My going to the gym and Doing Something in regards to getting some strength back, and hopefully getting to be a better runner, is looking pretty good right now.

Also this weekend we carved the second, and final, jack o lantern.  It is a spooky spider.  I think it is pretty awesome.
I think he's ready to be smooshed

So I feel I'm 2 for 2 with awesome jack o lanterns.  They are both hanging out on my front porch right now.  Here's hoping some neighborhood brat doesn't come along and smash them...

Today's Run

There is one word to describe today's run: COLD.  With a temperature of 34F, and a windchill of 23, it was definitely the coldest run in quite a while. Since (pause while I check my log....) the beginning of May, I believe.  I haven't been as fastidious this year with tracking the temperatures as in previous years.  Today I ran the neighborhood route, up the Big Hill, for approximately 3.5 miles in 31:55, for an average pace of 8:56.  I'm not ready for winter yet. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Way past my bedtime

Just a quick post today.... went and hung out with my very good friend Roja tonight, and so I had a really good time and am going to bed later than my normal 9 PM pass out time :-)

Today's Run

Between The Boy's violin lesson and going over to see Roja I did a quick run through the neighborhood, down the Big Hill.  I ran about 3.6 miles in 31:15, for an average pace of 8:39.  Funny thing: I ran the exact same mileage last week, and it took my a whole minute less this week compared to last.  Pretty stinking cool, I think.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Introducing Fatty Batty

I stopped really enjoying Halloween after graduating from college.  I remember having tons of fun dressing up in costumes and getting candy as a little kid - my favorite costume that I remember was being a Care Bear, the one with the rainbow on his belly.  And then in college, at the amazing University of Wisconsin - Madison, Halloween was a big ol' party, back before you had to pay to go down State Street and they had bands play in Library Mall for free and out-of-towners didn't ruin the drunken frivolity.  After that, there was many years of apathy and keeping the lights off so the little brats wouldn't come begging for free stuff....

Now, I am finding joy again in all things Halloween through The Boy.  This is the first year he's been really excited about dressing up, and checking out all the spooky things like witches and bats and zombies.  We got two pumpkins to carve into jack-o-lanterns, and we did the first one last night.  Ok, you got me - I did most of the work because he's too young to use one of those carving tools.  But he picked out the pattern for this first pumpkin.  The pattern is called Fatty Batty, and it wasn't too hard to do.

I'm a spooky bat - BOO!

I really hate to admit it, but I had a lot of fun scooping out the guts and carving out the shapes.  I even didn't mind smelling like pumpkin the rest of the night, because The Boy was so happy with the results.

One more pumpkin left to carve.  The Boy wants that one to be a Creeper, to match his Halloween costume.  I think I might try to convince him that we should do a cat.  :-)

Today's Run

I went back out to the Munger Trail to do a long run, since my weekend is going to be filled with all things Halloween and I won't have time to get a long run in then.  Same route, slightly better time.  Today I ran about 6.3 miles in 55:45, for an average pace of 8:50.  And I am very happy to say that I cut out the 10 seconds from last time on the way out - and up the hill.  Yay me! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

It's fun to stay there, you know

Super long weekend, with over 8 hours driving and way too much family time.  Well, not too much I guess, but after a while I just wanted to get home.

When I signed up to do the full marathon, I realized that I would need to do more than just put in miles if I wanted it to be a successful race, one that I would look back upon with no regrets.  I fully realize that I rely way too much on my legs to propel me through my runs, and that I need to do some major work strengthening my core in order to take my running to the next level.  So today I went down to my local YMCA and got a family membership for me and The Boy.  There are a couple of classes I'm thinking of taking, and maybe just go and pump some iron on occasion.  But it feels good to be Doing Something and maybe I will find my running getting easier with the added strength.

Today's Run

After the weekend of eating way too much, and way too much bad stuff (over-processed restaurant food), I needed to get in a run today.  It was drizzly and cold, but I got in my neighborhood run going up the Big Hill.  Said Big Hill really kicked my ass today, though.  Today I ran about 3.5 miles in 32:00, for an average pace of 8:57.  But in the end it felt really good to get out there and pound the pavement.

Friday, October 11, 2013

On the road again

Going out of town with The Boy this weekend, not returning until later in the day on Monday.  We will be going to see family, so it should be good and bad at the same time.  Hopefully mostly good.  It will be nice to get away for a while, as long as The Boy doesn't decide to have mega-attitude.

So, no running this weekend, and no blog posts.  I'm hoping I get back Monday, and hopefully the weather and other circumstances allow me to at least get a run through the neighborhood in....

And no research yet on a potential GPS watch.  Yesterday was the monthly investment club meeting, and tonight I just can't be bothered.  Maybe soon.

Today's Run

Today I did the neighborhood run, up the Big Hill.  The wind was a constant, but not ridiculous strong like last week.  I ran about 3.5 miles in 31:30, for an average pace of 8:49.  I felt like I was going really slowly, but overall the pace was pretty good, and I was not dead at the top of the Big Hill, which is nice too.  The stats so far are:
This week: 13.5 miles
This month: 20.5 miles
This year: 425 miles

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

There's a support group for pretty much everything, right?

Hi.  My name is Erin, and I'm obsessed with numbers.

(This is where you say "Hi, Erin!")

I can't tell you when this obsession with numbers started, but it's been around as long as I can remember.  When I was really little, I remember carefully laying out and counting everything, from toys to bugs to you-name-it.  I was the first person in my combined second-third grade class (I was in second grade) to memorize the whole multiplication table.  I was the first to tackle fractions.  I remember being bored at work in high school and converting the prices of the Levi's I was supposed to be selling from decimal to binary to hexadecimal and back to decimal.  I finished two semesters of calculus at a university while I was still in high school (not that stupid AP test crap they now pass off as college credits - I actually had to physically go to the university and take the classes with the other college students), and would have done more but the school district wouldn't let me.

My obsession with numbers has morphed into trying to track any and all statistics about my life as accurately as possible.  My monthly budget is calculated to the penny.  I keep track of all calories I take in and burn off.  I track my running mileage and paces to the best of my ability.

The last item is the one that causes me the biggest problem.  As mentioned before, I keep track of my running routes on the WalkJogRun website, and have a cheapy knock-off Timex watch to keep track of my time.  The problem I have been running into lately (pun definitely not intended) is things like going on the trail runs on Wednesday nights, where the route isn't easily mapped out online, or wanting to know how my pace drops off when I run up the Big Hill in my neighborhood, or even the idea that a running friend said that for a full marathon I really should pace myself so I don't go all bunny rabbit and start out too fast and not be able to finish the race.

And as such I have decided to Do Something and I am going to buy myself a GPS watch for a birthday/xmas present to myself.  I haven't gotten one so far because of the following reasons/excuses: I don't want to have it become a crutch and I can't just run without one; they are way too expensive given what they are; and they are not accurate enough to appease my obsession.  I have over a month and a half to do my research and pick a GPS watch that will satisfy all my needs, and hopefully not cost too much.  And one thing I like almost as much as numbers is doing research on stuff.  So win/win!

Today's Run

Today was the last weekday trail run; however, I realized with my busy week today would be the only day I could get in a long run, and so I decided against the trail run.  Instead I went out to my old stomping grounds and did an out-and-back on the Munger Trail.  The trail is mostly fixed, and so it was a nice, paved run for the most part.  Today I ran about 6.3 miles in 55:55, for an average pace of 8:52.  I ran the out part in 29:30, or 9:22 pace; I ran the back part in 26:25, or 8:23 pace.  I forgot how onerous the gradual uphill out part of the run was, but overall it was good to get those miles in.  Even if I missed the last weekday trail run.  But there's always next spring...

Monday, October 7, 2013

The leaves they are a-changin'

I have a hard time deciding which season I like better - autumn or spring.  For the most part I like autumn better because it is the end of the sticky heat of the summer.  The spring is nice, too, because of everything starting to turn green from mucky browns and grays.  Either way, I am really happy to live somewhere that still has four distinct seasons, even if sometimes some of them are way too short.

I am also happy that I have a job that lets me get oot and aboot pretty often.  Here are some photos of where I ended up today:
 I like how the one really orangey-red tree is peaking out from behind the others

The St. Louis River - and some of the trees changing colors in the background

I hope the leaves aren't completely gone by the time The Boy and I can get out and explore, probably in a couple of weeks.  I'm amazed all the leaves aren't gone from the winds this past weekend...

Today's Run

Today I ran the neighborhood loop in reverse, going down the Big Hill to change things up a bit.  I was feeling pretty icky, so I kept the pace pretty easy.  Today I ran about 3.6 miles in about 32:35, for an average pace of 9:01.  Nothing else really to say. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Everything is better when it's mini-sized

I have been obsessed with the idea of making mini cupcakes for a while now, ever since I found an article in some magazine about taking a vanilla or chocolate base batter and making a variety of mini cupcakes out of them.  Last weekend I finally caved in and bought a mini muffin tin, and today I made my first batch of mini cupcakes:

We're tiny and we look delicious!

These are peanut butter cup mini cupcakes.  They are a vanilla batter with chopped up peanuts and mini chocolate chips folded into the batter, topped with a peanut butter buttercream frosting and pieces of mini Reese's peanut butter cups.  I have not tried any of the finished product, as I despise peanut butter and chocolate together (separate they are delicious, but together it makes me want to gag - yes, I am that weird).  The Boy, however, will most likely love these as A) he LOVES mini cupcakes, and will eat them in one bite; and B) he LOVES peanut butter and chocolate together.  I said he could try one (or probably more since I spoil him so) after dinner.  Or maybe for a snack this afternoon if he takes a good long nap.

Anywho, there's nothing better than baking on a cold, miserable day.  And it is cold and miserable out - the wind is still so strong that it's making my house rattle, and it is raining on and off to add the the yuckiness.  So glad I decided to go for a run yesterday!

Tomorrow, forecasted to be another cold and miserable day, will be Sunday Muffins and crock pot chili - yum!

Friday, October 4, 2013

The lesser of two evils

I realize this phrase is usually the realm of politics, and this would be a good time to talk about this country's stupid politicians, but I'm too tired to be bothered.  I made the choice of not doing my normal longer run on Saturday and instead do a neighborhood run today.  The choice was between torrential rain and cold and wind (tomorrow) or cold and super windy (today), and I chose what is the lesser of two evils to my weary body and mind, and chose to run today.

Maybe someday I'll delve into politics.  But not today.

Today's Run

I ran the 3.5 mile, up the Big Hill route in my neighborhood today.  I tried to use my cheapy watch to figure out my pace going up the Big Hill, but the value I got seemed way off, so I'm not going to trust it and will try to get it the next time I go on this route.  The sustained winds during my run was about 25 mph, with gusts upwards of 40 mph.  Needless to say there were times when it felt like I was standing still.  But if the forecast holds out and it is raining tomorrow along with the wind and cold, I feel like I made the right choice.  Today I ran about 3.5 miles in approximately 32:00, for an average pace of 8:57.

If it doesn't rain tomorrow I will be pissed.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Singing in the rain

I wasn't going to post anything except for info on my run today, because I've had a pretty bad couple of days at work.  Today I had decided early on that I was going to go to the Wednesday night trail run, especially considering the rain was supposed to hold off and there was a slight chance this almost-friend was going to show up.  The almost-friend didn't show up and the rain started on the drive over.... but you know what?  I had a lot of fun.  I am not fast at all on the trails, but it doesn't matter because running with a group through the woods refreshes me.  At one point I couldn't see because my glasses were all fogged up and I missed the turn I was supposed to make, but I didn't freak out because running with a group through the woods revitalizes my soul.  I was completely soaked from head to foot when I was done, but it didn't matter because running through the woods with a group makes all the bad shit go away.

And I feel pretty hard core for getting out there and actually doing the run, in the down-pouring rain, and NOT falling.  Trail running has definitely helped me become lighter on my feet when running, which is pretty awesome.

And I am ready to go to work tomorrow, and have it be a good day.

Today's Run

Today I ran 6k on trails in the pouring rain (and had fun doing it) in 34:10, for an average pace of 9:29.  I am OK with not being that fast on trails because that means I'm not falling and hurting myself.  Unfortunately, the last weekday run is next week, and I feel I will miss them a little bit.  But there's always next spring.