Saturday, March 22, 2014

A love letter of sorts

Dear City of Duluth Public Works People,

I know it's hard to do a thankless job, one that has more people giving you the one-finger-salute rather than a friendly wave.  It is especially difficult in a winter like this one, where we've gotten about fifty billion feet of snow (give or take, I gave up measuring a long time ago) and the freeze-you-to-the-bone cold, where even the heartiest of winter folk are saying "Enough already!"

I am taking this opportunity, albeit on my personal blog, to say how much I appreciate what you do.  It was made especially apparent this morning on my group run at the crack of dawn.  You see, with the 6 inches of wet, heavy snow that we got yesterday, I was extremely pessimistic about the potential state of the Lakewalk when I got up this morning. I don't even think my road was plowed before really late last night.  But when we started our run, and got to the actual Lakewalk (the sidewalk and bridge to the Lakewalk are another story) we were pleasantly surprised to find actual pavement.

That's right - the Lakewalk was plowed to the point where there was very little snow left on the asphalt, and where there was ice it was in the usual suspect areas.  And it wasn't even just in the heavily traveled areas by the lake; the path was pretty much clear all the way to SuperOne.

So I would just like to say "Thank You."  Thank you for going out there and plowing the Lakewalk, even though it's a thankless job.  Thank you on behalf of all the crazy folk that still go out and run when it's freezing cold outside.

You guys rock. Keep up the good work.

Today's Run

I think I got spoiled on Thursday when it was so nice out.  This morning had wind chills below 0F again, and I could just not warm up at all. Good thing it was a long, easy run, and a recovery long run at that after last week's 1:45:00 run.  And we did a good job of keeping it slow and easy too.  Today I ran 9.45 miles in 1:29:09 (my watch wouldn't connect to satellites this morning and so I started a bit after everyone else in my group), for an average pace of 9:26.

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