It's been a couple of days - miss me? Things have been pretty hectic the last couple of days, and I feel like I'm coming down with some sort of plague or another, so making a post was pretty low on my priority list.
The calendar says it's officially the first day of spring, which is pretty awesome. The feet of snow on the ground and the forecast of a couple of inches more tomorrow say otherwise...
Weather aside, I am excited for this spring to get going. I want to see green. I want to hear birds other than the cawing of those damn crows. I want to plant herbs and vegetables. I want to be able to send the boys outside to play in the yard and not spend hours bundling them up. I know they are looking forward to playing in the creek and digging in the dirt and doing other boy things.
Most of all, I am excited to be starting a new chapter in my life. All the planning stresses aside, getting married to the most amazing, kind, caring, and loving man is going to be the highlight of this spring. And with just over two months to go, I am finding myself especially calm today, and overjoyed with the possibilities of the future.
I just hope this feeling lasts. Being stressed out sucks.
Sunday's Run
I can just hear it now - "What?!?! Erin ran on Sunday?!?!" I realized a while ago that I really need to add at least a fourth day of running each week, and since I go to the Y on Sundays to lift I figured it would be a good opportunity to get in a short, easy run. So this past Sunday I did my lifting and core work, and then hopped on the dreadmill for a little bit. On Sunday I ran 2.07 miles in 20 minutes, for an average pace of 9:40 (about a minute slower than my goal race pace). It was surprisingly easy, and I was only normal tired when I was done.
Tuesday's Run
Now, Tuesday was a pretty crummy day weather-wise. The forecast was for at least a foot of snow Tuesday into Wednesday, so when I woke up in the morning I decided there was no way I was going to make it downtown with the crazy amount of snow and had given up on making it to running group. Well, the snow-pocolypse didn't happen, and there was no way I could justify not running because of 2 inches of snow on the ground, so I packed up The Boy, dropped him off at his dad's, and went to running group. The workout for Tuesday was supposed to be speed work, but you just can't run fast with slushy mushy snow; the workout was modified to just "get out there and run 40 minutes and don't freeze to death." So that's what I did. On Tuesday I ran 4.51 miles in 40 minutes, for an average pace of 8:53. The path was pretty gross, but I made it back safe and sound.
Today's Run
What a difference two days make! Today was really nice out - sunny, warmish, no snow. So back to the speed work! Today's workout was 15 minutes brisk, 5 minutes jog repeated 3 times. Today I ran 6.95 miles in 60 minutes, for an average pace of 8:37. Definitely speeding up!