Although running has its own enjoyment, you need pass the time somehow. I am lucky in that the group of people I have met at DRC are really awesome, and it's really easy to have conversations while on the move. Here is a list of some of the common topics of conversation over last spring and this spring's long runs:
- Food. I'd say the most common topic of conversation is food - what we want to eat, what we've just recently eaten, how hungry you are at the moment... This topic comes up about 75% of the time. What can I say, when you run a lot of miles you need to eat a lot, and who else to talk about the best things to eat than other runners?
- Sex. Including fish sex. When you've been around people for long enough, no topic is really taboo. And I think the only thing that runners like as much as food is sex. You'll definitely see a lot of runners with kids, and that healthy glow isn't just from pounding the pavement. As for fish sex, you had to have been there...
- Sweat. One of the many side effects of any physical activity, but runners have it especially bad in some ways. And then there's the chafing because of the sweating. Who else but other runners to commiserate about this with.
- Movies. Best movie seen lately. Worst movie that you don't like to admit to loving. Good running movies (this one is rare, but it has happened). I've watched some good movies that were recommended by people in running group.
- Life in general. Other runners are good sounding boards for things going on in your life. House problems? Talk to your running friends. Significant other issues? Talk to your running friends. Good things happening in your life? Definitely talk to your running friends.
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