As for my Big News, my Huge Doing Something, I have been going back and forth with how much I really want to divulge. Do I want to go into explicit details, as the whole story is pretty awesome, or just keep it vague to protect our privacy.
I've decided to tread the line.
As I've written before, I met my BF Barbado by Doing Something and trying online dating. Turns out, he is my soul mate. My best friend. The man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. He is kind, and caring, and just an amazing person. He makes me laugh, and comforts me when I'm feeling down or sick (like he did earlier this week, rubbing my back while I was balled up in pain on the bed). I can't believe how lucky I am to have met him and to have him as a part of my life.
And we're getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am thrilled at the idea of growing old with him, of having adventures with him, of being a family. Everything about this just feels right.
And it's because I was brave, I went out of my comfort zone and was not afraid of Doing Something, that I am now the happiest I've ever been in all my life.
Truly, and utterly, amazing.
Yeah, we are that cute together