Thursday, January 30, 2014

About the biggest Doing Something of my life

This week has been pretty crazy... after dealing with little ones puking, I myself got whatever gastrointestinal plague that was going around, and was laid up Monday night and almost all of Tuesday.  So, yeah, definitely no running on Tuesday.

As for my Big News, my Huge Doing Something, I have been going back and forth with how much I really want to divulge.  Do I want to go into explicit details, as the whole story is pretty awesome, or just keep it vague to protect our privacy.

I've decided to tread the line.

As I've written before, I met my BF Barbado by Doing Something and trying online dating.  Turns out, he is my soul mate.  My best friend.  The man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. He is kind, and caring, and just an amazing person.  He makes me laugh, and comforts me when I'm feeling down or sick (like he did earlier this week, rubbing my back while I was balled up in pain on the bed).  I can't believe how lucky I am to have met him and to have him as a part of my life.

And we're getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thrilled at the idea of growing old with him, of having adventures with him, of being a family.  Everything about this just feels right.

And it's because I was brave, I went out of my comfort zone and was not afraid of Doing Something, that I am now the happiest I've ever been in all my life.

Truly, and utterly, amazing.

Yeah, we are that cute together

Today's Run

Today in running group we did fartleks.  In the cold.  On a snowy path.  It was alright.  Unfortunately, my Garmin didn't pick up satellites until almost a minute in to the warm-up, so my info isn't 100% accurate.  Today I ran 3.04 miles in 28:10, for an average pace of 9:10.  I'm interested to see what the pace difference was between the hard and easy effort, but that will have to wait until it warms up.  Don't want a repeat of last time... 

Saturday, January 25, 2014


I was originally going to write about something big, my biggest adventure in Doing Something yet....

But it's going to have to wait.  I don't have the pictures yet, and this story DEFINITELY needs pictures.

I could write about my newest addiction to Reddit (thankyouverymuch Barbado, like I needed another time sucker), how I made my first angel food cake from scratch tonight (kind of a pain, I just hope it tastes good), or any other mundane things.  But I can't be bothered.  I will, however, guide my faithful readers (all 2-3 of you - Hi person that reads this in Germany!) to an awesome website, courtesy of that scourge reddit, that I may just contribute to:

There is nothing better than getting photographic evidence of how weird you know you look running, and then sharing it with the world.

Today's Run

Today was supposed to be a 45 minute run, but it was just way too cold outside, and so my running group friend and I decided to only do 40 minutes like last week.  There wasn't even a beautiful sunrise to make it feel nicer out. So in 40:01 we ran 4.65 miles, for an average pace of 8:36.   Fingers crossed next week's long run will have it above 0F when we start!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Stay tuned

Big news coming soon - stay tuned!

Today's Run

It didn't get above 0F today, so instead of joining the running group and possibly losing digits, I went to the Y and ran on the treadmill.  I ran 2.4 miles in 20:00, for an average pace of 8:20.  Overall a good run.  And a GREAT night.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I think I almost had a heart attack

I was going to write about something else, but something more pressing occurred: I think I may have broken my Shiny.  My Garmin.  The splurge for my birthday that I am so excited about.  Yeah, that thing.

Tonight was really cold, like practically 0F cold, but I still decided to do the group run instead of hitting up the dreadmill.  It's easier to suffer when you're in a group.  Anyway, the owner's manual for the Garmin said to not use it below temperatures of -4F - it doesn't say if that's air temperature or wind chill temperature.  The windchill had to have been well below -20F.  I took the owner's manual to mean air temperature, and so I wore it.

Before the run it took a little longer than normal to connect to the satellites, but I chalked that up to it being cloudy.  It worked just fine once it connected, and I'm pretty confident in the distance it told me since I've done that route many times before.  So all was good.  And then I got home.

I wanted to pull the data from the Garmin right away so I wouldn't have a repeat of Saturday; I plugged it in, it made the noise saying it was connecting to the computer.  But when I tried to download the data, the computer said nothing was connected.  What?  I heard the noise!  Lo and behold, when I looked at the Garmin, the screen was blank. 

THE SCREEN WAS BLANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The screen is never blank.  I looked at the owner's manual, and it said to not charge the battery when it's below 41F.  Uh oh.  It was definitely colder than 41F - it was outside for an extended period of time in the single digits.  When it is plugged into the computer it starts charging.  Then the manual said that if it freezes up to hold a button down until the screen goes blank, then press and hold the same button until it turns on again.  Tried that.  Multiple times.  Nothing.

So, now it is sitting, hopefully warming up and will be ready to use on Thursday.  Otherwise I need to go through the warranty thing and hopefully get a new one.


I need a hug.

Today's Run

I luckily saw, and remembered, tonight's distance before all hell broke loose.  Tonight was a 20 minute run, and I did 2.22 miles, for an average pace of 9:00.  If Thursday is this cold I may just give in and run on the dreadmill at the Y.  Maybe.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

3000+ words

I'm not feeling very verbose, and it's been a while since I've posted pictures, so here's today's blog in pictures:

The view this morning before running group

New running shoes!
Yesterday's tea wisdom - love IS ecstasy.  I know this now.

Today's Run

Today's group run was on the Lakewalk, and for some reason I couldn't get my Garmin to start a new run.  So back to estimates.... Today I ran approximately 4.5 miles in 40 minutes, for an average pace of 8:53.  It was a beautiful morning, if a bit brisk to start out.  Definitely a good start to the day. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

So, so lucky

Last night, as I was driving home from getting The Boy from daycare, I ran over a spike, or a bolt, or something equally obnoxious. First thought: who in the world puts something like that in the road? Second thought: I need to get home before my tire goes flat. I stopped thinking at that point and just drove.

After I got home the anxiety hit: how was I going to get the tire fixed since it was late and the stores were going to close soon? How was I going to get to the dentist in the morning? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!

And then the BF Barbado arrived. He offered to pick up me and The Boy in the morning, drop The Boy off at daycare, take me to the dentist, wait for me to be done, take me to work, and then take care of my tire while I'm at work. And I didn't even ask.

I didn't know what to think. No one has ever offered to help me like that before. I normally have to beg for help, and then it's usually only given grudgingly.

I am seriously the luckiest girl. And he is truly amazing.

Today's Run

Today was a group run, out on the Lakewalk. It wasn't as slippery out, but it was much, much colder. And windier. And snowing. Today I ran 20 excruciating minutes, 2.18 miles, for an average pace of 9:11.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Just don't try to douse me in patchouli

My work is pretty awesome.  And I just found out another reason why this week...

It appears that my workplace is trying to encourage its employees to keep food waste out of the landfills, which is a huge problem in this country, and is offering free compost bags and a free place to drop off food waste at the workplace.  I have toyed with the idea of starting my own compost pile in order to reduce the amount of food waste I put in my trash, but I have never done it.  Mainly because when the time came to order the reduced price compost bins locally, I just didn't have the money to spare.  Then there is the fact that with home composting you're not supposed to add meat, bones, fat, etc. to the compost pile. But since the composting at work is industrial composting, I can put anything compostable in the bag and bring it in.

This makes me extremely happy.  It appeases the bleeding-heart liberal part of me that wants to reduce waste and make the world better and help people and whatnot.

Just don't call me a hippie.  I'd have to punch you for that.

Today's Run

Today was my first weekday group run.  And it was dark.  And cold.  And super-duper slippery.  My calves are killing me.  Unfortunately it's not going to warm up before Thursday, so I'm afraid the next run will be more of the same.  Today's run was a 30 minute run, and I ran 3.13 miles in 30:02, for an average pace of 9:36.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A new philosophy

Today I went on my first group run with the DRC marathon training group.  This year the group is following a different type of training plan, one which I don't know if I'll be able to get used to...

Most training plans prescribe running a certain number of miles on certain days of the week, leading up to running a distance close to the race you're training for (14 miles for a half marathon, 20 miles for a full marathon, etc.).  The training program the running group is using this year is all time based, with different lengths being run/walked each week.  And it's set up like a board game, where you earn points for completing specific workouts during specific weeks.

I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to my fitness: tell me what to do, and I'll do it.  Do 25 crunches?  No problem.  Run 4 miles?  Got it.  Run 1 minute then walk 4 minutes, and repeat 4 times? I don't know if I like that... there are defined parameters, but time is so different than counts and distance.

But I paid my money, and so I am going to play along.  Maybe I'll end up liking this type of program.  Maybe I'll just grin and bear it to get the other benefits of running with a group (social, consistency, progress, etc.).  Only time will tell.

Today's Run

Today I ran 3.92 miles in 35:01, for an average pace of 8:56, with the running group.  The goal for today's run was running for 35 minutes.  The Lakewalk was pretty slushy, so the footing was not so good, but the weather was so nice compared to just even earlier this week, with a balmy 25F at 8:00 AM.  We'll see what happens at group next Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I am Running's b*$@h

On Sunday, I signed up for DRC's spring marathon training group.  And to get information on the group runs, events, etc., a person needed to join a private Facebook group.

Sigh.  Facebook.  That evil social media empire that I have had a personal boycott against since Day 1.  That time suck that so many people spend more time digitally interacting with others through instead of face-to-face interactions.

So what did I do?  You guessed it - I joined Facebook.  Because I am Running's b*$@h.  I will do anything for her.  I sacrifice my time and my body for Running.  And I have even compromised my, albeit irrational and self-serving, personal boycott of what is essentially a computer program.

But I still feel dirty.

Oh well.  I have officially joined the year 2004.

Today's Run

One of the supervisors at my old workplace is finally retiring, after over 42 years at the same employer, and so in his honor they held the first ever Run 'Em Out 10k.  So, of course, I had to participate.  My little munchkin friend and I ran together, for the most part.  She had hurt her knee earlier in the week and so we did a bit of walking in between.  But we finished, and it was the first time she had ever run/walked 10k, and I am so proud of her.

Today I completed 6.2 miles with my good friend Munchkin in approximately 1:10:00, for an average pace of 11:17.  But it wasn't about the time, it was about having fun and finishing.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And then he was 5

It's hard to believe that my little boy was born five years ago today.  And that's what he is now - a little boy.  He will always be my baby, but he is definitely a little boy.

Yesterday's Run

Yesterday I ran on the dreadmill, again, for 3 miles in 25:00, for an average pace of 8:20.

Not much more to say today.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Warning: Contains gross content

I would like to preface this blog post with a fact: I have a sensitive digestive system.  Not like IBS or Crohn's disease or anything like that.  But if I eat something that doesn't agree with me, the results can be disastrous.

So on New Year's Eve, or actually very early on New Year's Day, after the BF and I were done at the wedding reception he was DJing, we were both very starving.  Options being limited as they were in St. Cloud, Barbado decided that he wanted some White Castle before heading over to the hotel.  I had never had White Castle, and he thoroughly enjoys eating it, so I figured what would be the harm?

First impression: Not visually appealing. At all. Kinda sad really.
Second impression: The flavor of the sliders, to put it bluntly, was just gross.  The fries were alright.
Third impression: A little bit of heartburn when I was done eating, but at least I wasn't hungry anymore.

The rest of the week was spent with a low level of nausea permeating my being.  I would go from being ok to feeling like I was going to lose my cookies in an instant.  I thought maybe I was getting sick.  And then today...

Today I went to the Y to do my long run on the dreadmill, since it was darn cold outside again.  About 40 minutes in my stomach made the most disgusting noise I have ever heard, so loud that I heard it over my music in my headphones.  I almost doubled over in pain, which is so not good when on something that has a moving belt.  I gave up the ghost of trying to get an hour in, and made my way as quickly as possible to the locker room.  Where I completely destroyed the toilet.  Two flushes didn't cut it, but it was pretty useless to try to continue flushing because it wouldn't have done anything.  But, man, did I feel so much better.

The moral of the story: I will never, EVER eat at White Castle again.  Three days of nausea and disgusting poop is not something I want to voluntarily do again.

Today's Run

Today I had a shortened long run on the dreadmill of 5.18 miles in 45:00 minutes, for an average pace of 8:41.  I am just grateful I didn't poop myself.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year (plus one)!

It's hard to believe that it's already a new year - it sounds cliche, but it feels like 2013 started just yesterday.  But I am very excited for the year to come... There will be a lot of firsts, and new adventures, and many, many exciting things happening this year....

As for New Year's resolutions, I am going to continue in my quest of Doing Something, to push myself out of my comfort zone and not be afraid of making mistakes.  I am also going to try to improve my financial standing.  I want to find areas where I can save, and areas where I can afford to spend more.  I want to continue putting away money in case of an emergency, and to increase the amount saved per paycheck by the end of the year.  I also want to save money for something fun, like a grand vacation adventure.

And then there's my running - I need to join the DRC spring running group and start the training runs, which start next week!  I need to continue improving, and having fun, and finish my first full marathon in June.

2014 is going to be an amazing year; I am definitely looking forward to the days, weeks, and months ahead.

Today's Run

Today I ran on the dreadmill at the Y (surprise!) because it was just too cold to run outside.  Today I ran 2.96 miles in 25:00, for an average pace of 8:26.  If I have to run the dreadmill next week again because of the weather, I think I'm going to try to do 3.0 miles in 25:00, which should be doable since I've run a 5k in less than that.  But there is a big difference between running a race and trudging it out on a dreadmill...