Today, I got paid to do the following during my normal workday (7:30 AM - 4:00 PM):
- Baked a Raspberry Pear Crumble pie, and made a second crust to make a second pie later in the week
- Baked (with help from The Boy) brownies from scratch
- Went for a run (details later in the post)
- Went to the mall to check out violins for The Boy
- Watched WAY too much HGTV
Today's Run
As for my run, I just went around the neighborhood while The Boy was napping (yes, someone was there to "watch" him). 3.2 miles in 30:50, pace of 9:34. Not even close to the speed I know I can get, but it was a good run for the first real one back after my summer hiatus. This route is never going to be super fast because of this:The good thing about living in Duluth is the Big Hill. The bad thing about living in Duluth is the Big Hill. I live on a hill on a hill (you have to see it to understand), and so on the last part of this route I go from about 626 feet of elevation to about 861. The last part is the worst - you can't see where the road goes at one point. So, yeah, not going to be a fast run, but it's sure a good workout for the glutes and hams :)
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