Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I am probably like pretty much every other runner, or person that considers themselves a runner, out there and has been obsessed with this year's Boston Marathon. Not just because of what happened last year, but also because of how amazing American distance running is becoming once again.

I have been reading tons of articles, some new, some old, about running marathons, and the people that run marathons, and pretty much anything I can find right now about marathons. Something one person wrote really struck a chord with me. This guy, Mike Cassidy, finished the New York City Marathon with Meb Keflezighi in 2013 and he wrote an article about it that I found on letsrun.com. (http://www.letsrun.com/news/2013/11/time-life/) I hope he doesn't mind my blatant theft of his words, but what he wrote was so eloquent that I have to repeat it here:

I’m a believer that running brings out the best in people. Running inspires. Running unites. Running uplifts. By pushing us to our limits and across them, running takes us to places we never thought possible—or even real. A good run can turn a dark day bright and make a bright day shine brighter. Performed on the scale of a marathon, running can transform communities and change lives.

I could not have said it better myself. Running, in and of itself, is a very selfish sport, but it has the ability to be so much more. I have met some amazing people running. I have accomplished so much because of my running. This time of year it has the ability to take over my life, and in the end I am so much better because of it.

I joke about Boston qualifying in my first marathon, but when I think about it, really think about it, finishing in under 3:40:00 is indeed possible. And after what I've seen and read this week, if I do Boston qualify, I want to be a part of it all and I will try to sign up to be a part of the Boston Marathon in 2015.

First things first - I need to get through this week's training schedule.

Today's Run

Today's group run was a time trial - where you get assigned a bib and are timed to get an idea of where you're at. The time trial distance was 6 miles, and I was hauling ass on the way out, to the tune of 3 miles in 23:30. But when I turned around, it was like someone put the brakes on my legs and I just couldn't keep going. I was disappointed to say the least. Today I ran 6 miles in 47:59, for an average pace of 8:00. Good thing a full marathon is about sustaining a manageable pace, not going as fast as possible...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The worst thing

I honestly think there is nothing worse than stepping on a clear lego when thinking you've successfully navigated your way through the minefield that was once your living room. I love the idea of legos, and the skills they reinforce and grow, but in reality they are pretty much awful.

My poor dogs are not happy today.

It has been a crazy week, and a crazy month, and it is officially less than a month and a half until the Big Day. I am trying not to stress too much, and mostly succeeding. Big things to figure out - hair and other girlie stuff, outfits for the boys (the little ones, not the big one - his is all figured out), finalizing dinner details, other little things. And oh yeah, figuring out who will be officiating the whole thing. That has turned out to be a big mess, and hopefully will be finalized soon.

But at least my running has been pretty awesome. Speaking of which....

Tuesday's Run

There was no scheduled run on Tuesday with the group because there was a group dinner that night. Running buddies Cassie, Mae and I decided to get together before the dinner to whip out a workout. We did sub GP fartleks - 1 min fast, 1 min slow, 2 min fast, 2 min slow, 3 min fast, 3 min slow, 4 min fast, 4 min slow, repeated one more time. And the fast parts were super fast - fastest was about 6:44 and slowest was still 7:40 - way faster than the pie-in-the-sky goal pace of 8:40. Tuesday I ran 4.74 miles in 40:12, for an average pace of 8:28.

Thursday's Run

Thursday was back to normal for the group run. This one was tempo work - 1 mile GP, 2 min jog, 2 mile GP, 5 min jog, repeat on the way back. This run was super hard for me; it had snowed the day before and there was a ton of slush on the ground, and I got very little sleep the night before. Every step was a struggle, but I finished. And my GP miles were pretty much right on - between 8:20 and 8:40. So even though I was just not feeling it, I rocked the workout. Thursday I ran 7.31 miles in 1:03:26, for an average pace of 8:40.

Today's Run

Another long Saturday run, another round of craptastic weather. 34 degrees, rain. I was soaked through and pretty miserable early on. The way out had a hard head wind, which made it even better. But I made it through, even though the last mile was all me mentally willing my legs to keep moving. And another PR - today I ran 17 miles in 2:33:05, for an average pace of 8:58. Cassie thinks we should adjust our goal pace faster. I think she may be smoking crack. :-)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A breakup letter of sorts

Dear John (I mean Motorola),

We have had a long and tumultuous relationship, and I'm sorry, but I just have to break up with you. I know, you are the third boyfriend and our total history isn't totally on you.... Especially the second one that got struck by lightning, that one is definitely the faulty surge protector's fault. But things have to end now.

I will admit that you were a very good boyfriend for the most part. You kept me entertained on those nights when it was just the two of us. Heck, you were even game to entertain many people on occasion - that's a special kind of guy. But there was that one time when you forgot the record "Grey's Anatomy" for me, and that can never be forgiven.

I have decided to move on, to let you go and entertain some other lucky girl, or boy, or family. It's better this way and I think we'll both be happier in the end. I just can't afford to shell out that much money every month just to be with you. Especially when there are less expensive and free options out there.

Dear Motorola, it's not you - it's me. I'm sorry. I will be taking you back to Charter tomorrow.

I hope you have a great life, and I will miss you.

All the best,

Thursday's Run

After Tuesday's awesome run, I was excited to go out again on Thursday, albeit hesitant with the scheduled run as it was written out. Turns out the start of the run was supposed to be 3 minutes brisk running, not 3 miles as was written. My running friends and I decided that 3 minutes wasn't quite long enough, so we ended up doing 1 mile. So Thursday's workout was 1 mile brisk, 3 minutes jog, followed by 1 mile at goal race pace and 2 minutes jog repeated 3 times. I am pretty proud of how closely I got to my goal pace of 8:40 - we hovered around 8:15 to 8:30 in the 1 mile runs, which Coach said was pretty good. And the workout wasn't too hard. On Thursday I ran 5.12 miles in 43:40, for an average pace of 8:32.

Saturday's Run - The BIG ONE

Last year I trained and ran the half marathon at Grandma's. The longest run I did for training for that was 14 miles, which pretty much kicked my butt. Yesterday's long run was up the shore, and was 16 miles. It is an understatement to say that I was scared and intimidated by this distance. But that's what running friends are for - they help you out and keep you going when you feel like you're going to quit, they do jazz hands with you on the mile and tell you "You can DO IT!" And, of course, in typical Duluth fashion, the weather was pretty crappy on Saturday morning - wind in our faces on the way out accompanied by ice pellets that did an amazing job of exfoliating every single visible pore. Needless to say the way back was MUCH better. And I did it - I ran 16 miles and it wasn't too bad. I figured out that Shot Bloks are pretty good and I think that's going to be my fuel of choice for right now. I figured out that wearing compression socks after my shower really helped keep my calves from feeling like complete ass. And I figured out that my running friends are pretty much the awesomest people ever - Mae, Ben and the newest of our group Cassie are pretty great people. But now what torture are we going to have to endure NEXT Saturday...

It just looks cold, doesn't it?

Today's Run

Even though I was pretty exhausted and a bit achy, I stuck to my schedule of going to the Y to lift and get an easy run in on the dreadmill. And I was pleasantly surprised that after 10 minutes of kinda torture the rest of my run was really good. Until I stopped. Then my legs were like "WHAT THE HELL WOMAN!" Nothing a lot of stretching didn't cure. Today I ran 3.1 miles in 30 minutes, for an average pace of 9:40. And I am so glad tomorrow is a day off.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

More tea bag wisdom and awesomeness

So, it's been a while since I got a different tidbit of wisdom from my tea bag, so when I got this today I decided I needed to share:

Love has no fear and no vengeance.

I also want to show off my favorite button, which is proudly displayed behind my mug: I do, in fact, eat, drink and sleep awesome. Especially after yesterday's run....

Yesterday's Run

So, the thing I really want to write about today is yesterday's run. Normally, I try not to go on about my runs because, well, most people find it boring. But yesterday... Yesterday was pretty amazing. Even though I felt like a pile of garbage (woke up with major sinus/sore throat/earache nastiness that took tons of advil to make me feel even remotely close to normal). The workout was 15 minutes brisk and 5 minutes jogging repeated three times. The furthest I've gone so far this year in 60 minutes was just under 7 miles and so I proposed to my running friends that we try to get farther than 7 miles on that workout. We were just flying on the brisk parts of the workout - one mile split was 7:50, another 7:52... And it felt GOOD. It was definitely a hard workout, but everything just clicked and it was awesome. It's days like yesterday that reaffirm my passion for this crazy sport and helps me believe that I can run 26.2 miles, that I can finish in my pie-in-the-sky time of 3:40:00, that I am amazing. Yesterday I ran 7.16 miles in 60 minutes, for an average pace of 8:23. Hell. Yes. :-)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

That's right, I said suck it.

I am getting sick and tired of making blog posts about the weather. I really am. I really REALLY am. But the weather this winter has been pretty much the opposite of what it needed to be to get some good outside training done. AND it's been really hard for me emotionally and spiritually as well. Between the epic snows, and the epic cold, I have been done with winter for quite some time. As anyone that knows me or reads this blog should know by now.

And then....

And then yesterday happened. It was downright awesome out, relatively speaking. The sun was shining, the snow was melting... the high was somewhere in the 40's F, which felt like 70F after the past few months. The boys played outside without jackets, and managed to get super muddy, which was easy to do with all the snow melt and the fact that they're boys. I was actually hot last night when trying to sleep, even with the setback thermometer set to 60F, so I ended up covered in just a sheet most of the night. It was GLORIOUS.

Today was more of the same. And to celebrate the awesomeness of what is the end of the winter (or else) we grilled burgers for lunch today. By we, I mean I gave the reins to Aaron, since I suck at grilling burgers.

Ignore the white crap in the background
And those were some of the best burgers I have had in a very long time. Yes, I had two of them they were that good.
I think I may be grilling chicken for dinner on Wednesday.

Yesterday's Run

Yesterday's long run was pretty nice weather-wise, not too cold but not warm enough where I was sweating to death from wearing my jacket. It was a long, easy run, only 95 minutes this week. In that 1:35:00 we ran 10.43 miles, for an average pace of 9:07. And apparently the coach is going to be changing things from the prescribed training plan soon and we will be starting the major mileage on the weekends soon. I am scared and excited.

Today's Run

Being Sunday, I went to the Y to lift and then did a little bit of easy running on the dreadmill after. Lower body focus on the weight lifting, and 30 minutes at 9:40 pace for 3.1 miles. Overall a good day. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I got nothing

Between life, and work, and sinuses, this has been one heck of a week. Needless to say, I don't really have much to put down in writing. Amended: I don't have much I WANT to put down in writing. I guess there's a big difference.

Except this darn snow needs to just go away. Seriously.

This Week (so far) in Running

So, on Sunday this week I redid my strength tests at the Y for the ActivTrax program. I probably should have done them a month or so ago, but, you know, busy. I was pretty impressed with how much I've improved since last October - not just strength-wise but also the decrease in percent body fat and increase in muscle mass. Anyway, after that I hit up the dreadmill for an easy 30 minute run. At my 9:40 easy pace that was 3.1 miles. And it wasn't so bad.

On Tuesday I was just in a really bad place emotionally, and I had to force myself to go to running group. I'm glad I did, but it was definitely not my best performance. The workout was supposed to be 2 miles at goal race pace, 3 minutes jogging repeated 3 times. After the snow on Tuesday morning and my overall fatigue I ended up only doing two reps. Oh, and I forgot my watch at home, so this is just an estimate. I ended up doing about 4.5 miles in 39 minutes, for an average pace of 8:40. Which is my goal race pace, so I did my faster runs a bit too fast. One of these days I'll get my pacing down pat...

And now, today. Today is Thursday, and I should be out at running group. But there's (supposedly) going to be a monster snow storm tonight into tomorrow. And my sinuses have been absolutely horrible pretty much all day today.  I know these are just excuses, but I really couldn't justify going out for what would probably be a short-ish run today. So, another week with only 3 runs. Assuming I get out on Saturday.

I still have some time... I think....